Sunday, August 4, 2013

Arrival of Kili'ohu

Monday June 17th I had been busy trying to get the house in order, tend to Kekoa and just be ready for when baby came.   Tommie had bought shelves for Kekoa's playroom back at Christmas and kept telling me that he was going to work on them "this weekend" which never happened and with my nesting phase i decided to do it myself.  So with the help of my mom (which my parents have been and are BIG helps to me in getting me ready for baby) we put the shelves together.  Little did I know that the book shelves were literally shelves and that we still needed containers to actually put the toys away.  UGH ... but we did it anyways.  Clean the bathrooms, do laundry, re organize my hospital bag, clean up and organize the gifts that we got from the baby shower ... my list was endless!!  Not to mention that Kekoa was home so I had to tend to him and his needs, Tommie was at work and not really able to help me ... this was a lot of stress on me!
By the time Tommie came home around 1:30am I was in the process of cleaning my corner of the room up.  My father in law bought us this great side bed crib that needed to be put by my side ... and with all my stuff I wanted to make sure I had room.  Tommie told me to go shower (I had been sweating all day/smelled of cleaning supplies) and he was going to bring Kekoa to our bed to sleep. *** I HATE when he brings Kekoa to our bed.  I love Kekoa ... don't get me wrong ... but when i'm 9 months pregnant and need my space and that boy sleeps like a starfish NO!  *** well needless to say I was listened to and he brought Kekoa to our room.  So fine ... I decided fine if you want to sleep with Kekoa and I need to sleep comfortably I'll sleep in Kekoa's room/bed.  After my shower and a long day of busy I settled in for the night and prepared myself mentally for my list of things to do tomorrow.  Tommie had to tend to the trash, pool, and his work things when .... my water broke all in Kekoa's bed!!  I was shocked and worried cause I thought (at first) I pee'd myself ... I quickly kicked off the comforter to prevent any more mess for my to clean and looked down.  I couldn't really see much cause my belly was in the way ... again worried that I had pee'd myself I was a little embarressed to call Tommie.  But I had to so I tried to yell for him ... but not wanting to wake Kekoa up and realizing that Tommie wasn't answering I had to "call" Tommie (which at the time he was tending to the trash) and told him to come see me cause I think my water just broke!  He came running upstairs and took one look and confirmed that it was my water (i didn't pee myself) and it looks like baby is coming!  we both had a moment of  "Now what?!" but we had to stay calm and collected to make things happen.  I called my parents to have the come get Kekoa ... Tommie changed out of his work clothes, got his bag ready in the hall and proceeded to help me.  I tried to move as fast as I could but couldn't really cause water kept leaking out.  plus I had just emptied my hospital bag from the dehydration night that I was trying to find all that stuff again to put back in.  Change my clothes because I was still in my wet jammies from the water break while trying to keep Tommie calm who was a little jumpy trying to get everything ready.  When my Papi came over to get Kekoa I asked him to give me a blessing ( It had been awhile since I had received a blessing from him and I forgot how comforting and at ease I feel after them) As we are walking out the door Tommie threw the carseat (which was still in it's box) in the back of the truck, threw clothes in the baby bag for his "home outfit" and started our drive to St. Joseph's medical center.  

My water had broken around 2:30am and by the time we got to the hospital it was about 4am ... check in/paper work/make sure my water actually broke and all that good stuff ... I was admitted.  They hooked me up to keep an eye on my contractions, make sure that baby was doing well and then just left me.  There was really nothing that they could do at that point cause they were wanting to see how I dialated, blah blah blah.  Poor Tommie had worked all day and was about to go on 24 hours of no sleep.  I told him to take a nap so that he could run back to the restaurant to prepare them for his absence for the week.  I ended up getting an epidural (tommie wasn't back yet, my parents were tending to Kekoa so I had the doc and my nurse who helped me through it ... ugh it was painful!) after about 8 hours of labor.  I never had an epidural with Kekoa so this was all new for me.  I didn't feel any pain and just loved being able to truly relax.  

Sadly after about 18 hrs of labor (half of it was pain free cause of my epidural) and only dialating 2 cm we had to make a decision about the labor.  *** they told us that when your water breaks you have about 24 hours to give birth before there becomes a possibility of infection to both baby and I *** so with that being said we decided to go ahead with the C-Section.  I was a little excited because I was going to be awake for this!!  (Kekoa because it was an emergency they knocked me out so I didn't feel/remember anything) Tommie was given scrubs to change into which he did while watching the soccer game that USA was in.  They did allow us to bring a camera in ... and here we came!

Doc Lim and her brother Doc Lim took care of me ... after poking me to see if I could feel anything (which I could so she had to numm me a little more) they started.  I had to ask them to make sure that my husband was there and he was by the time they started cutting.  I could "feel" them poking and pulling at me but i couldn't actually "feel" any pain.  I just could feel my body being pulled in different directions.  Tommie could see over the sheet that they hung in front of me ... and he was so good about telling me that everything was going very well!  I was worried and just trying to listen and hear what I couldn't see.  They were getting close and said that I would feel a "pop" like cause they would be bringing baby out ... which i could ... and then I heard his first little cry.  it wasn't anything big, just a little wimper like he was bothered someone moved him.  Tommie was the first person (other than the doc and nurse) to see him, they let him cut the cord and  Tommie took our boy's first pic ever!  I was so PLEASED and happy to hear him and to hear from Tommie that baby was good!  They nurse brought baby over to me so I could say "hi" and as I reached out for baby he reached out for me and his hand touched my face!  He was so calm and he felt soo soft!  I was so happy and just thrilled that baby was here and that "labor" went so well.  The doc checked my uterus to make sure everything was fine and checked my insides as well ... and while she was doing it i remember feeling so sleepy and tired!  I could have fallen asleep as they were closing me up.   

They took me to the recovery room ... baby came in as well (last minute check ups to make sure he was good) and we just had a beautiful little Welcome party.  I remember feeling num and shaky and afraid to hold him because of that but the nurse said that thats normal and I was going to feel like that for awhile as the drugs wore off.  Baby was just perfect!  so tiny but aware of where he was.  And aware that mommy was holding him!  I was so thrilled and couldn't wait to nurse him!

I think my favorite part of this birth was that Tommie was there and I had him to share this all with ... and I was awake and could remember everything and enjoy all the moments of it all.  And I knew that this was my son!  I just remember with Kekoa I thought, this isn't mine (cause he looked nothing like I thought he would look like and that was either suppose to have my head or tommie's on his body) I loved it when my mom came to see baby and brought Kekoa with her.  Just to see Kekoa again and know that he had just taken on the Big Brother role was so exciting!  and then when the 2 of my boys met ... it was just pure love!!  Kekoa just looked at thim with such love and devotion!  It was the best!   My parents came and just fell in love with our little man!  Tommie's dad and his wife came and Mr Tom just filled up with such love and emotion .... he was a proud  grandpa.  Tommie's Thea Irene came and just loved all over him!  It was just so wonderful!!!  My mom came practically every day with Kekoa and just sat with me.  She was and has been great.   On top of her cleaning the house while we were gone, she took care of Kekoa.  Papi helped clean the house and took care of the yard!  My parents are just amazing!

My Aunty Diedra helped me pick a name out for baby and it is just beautiful!  He is named after our love for each other after all these years!  His hawaiian name is Onipa'akili'ohumauloa Koukoulis which means Steadfast in love forever.

Welcome to the Koukoulis Ohana  ...  Maximos Enrique Onipa'akili'ohimauloa Koukoulis, Born on Tuesday June 18, 2013 at 9:59 pm at St. Joseph's Medical Center by Doc. Joanne Lim.  7.12lbs, 20.5 inches, blue eyes, head full of hair, 10 toes and 10 fingers.  Just perfect!